Together with national and international societies, the platform supports the exchange of expertise and promotes young academics in the various fields of chemistry.more

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IUPAC welcomes its new executive director, dr. Greta Heydenrych

IUPAC is pleased to announce that Dr. Greta Heydenrych is the new Executive Director of IUPAC.

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Following the announcement, on 16 March 2022, of the imminent retirement of IUPAC’s long-serving Executive Director, Dr. Lynn M. Soby, IUPAC was pleased to announce that Dr. Greta Heydenrych will be the new Executive Director of IUPAC as of October 2022, initially as a volunteer.

In a conversation with the American Chemical Society ACS, Greta Heydenryh reveals that she aims to lead IUPAC through the rise of digitization and open science. Link

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