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Chemistry Community Roadmaps

chemistry liquid white glass bottle research
Immagine: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

The SCNAT coordinates and supports research communities to develop roadmaps for large research infrastructures in which the needs of the different scientific disciplines are collated. These community roadmaps are aimed at feeding into the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures, elaborated by SERI.

In 2021, the SCNAT published a first series of community roadmaps, including the chemistry community roadmap. On the basis of the community roadmaps 2021, SERI has released the Swiss roadmap for Research Infrastructures in 2023. In 2024, an update of these community roadmaps - including an update of the chemistry community roadmap - has been released that will feed into the Swiss roadmap of SERI 2027.

Current status of the Roadmap process in general (December 2024)

Based on the feedback on the previous process, SERI has decided to redefine the whole process for both the Swiss and the community roadmaps of the future. Updated information on the process can be found here:


If you are interested in joining the chemistry community in their process​, please send an e-mail to .